Thursday, June 30, 2005

Getting Sydney - Day 14 - Last Day

Last day in China Today was the big we visited the US Consulate in Guangzhou and swore that everything in our adoption application was true. That was took about 3 minutes. We were in and out of there in no time. Unfortunately, the don't allow any bags (or even umbrella's) in the consulate building so we couldn't record anything. Later this afternoon we should be receiving Sydney's passport with a US visa attached. When we land in Newark and the department of Homeland Security official stamps her passport...she will be an American citizen. Thankfully the INS department in New Orleans faxed over our missing Visa and we're coming home tomorrow...yeah!!!

I had a little Chinese currency left over an it was burning a hole in Ginger's pocket so we had to go pick up some clothes before we left Shamien island. (A husband has to pick on his wife about her spending, but in truth she has been a very frugal shopper and has spent our money very wisely.) Truly the Lord spoke when he gave me Proverbs 31:12 in answer to my prayers concerning our lives together (in high school no less.)

As we wandered Shamien Island for the last time...I couldn't pass up this photo op: reminiscent of "A Christmas Story"..."It's smiling at us"

How much is that girlie in the window?

Since this is our last day with the other two families our guide took us to a Dim Sum restaurant and we tried some more exotic foods. Here's Sydney ready to go:

The waitresses brought out lots of dishes and placed them on a revolving glass table so we could just rotate it and take what we wanted. Here's what Ginger thought...

when she saw this dish:

It wasn't nearly as scary as it looked was actually a desert. It was just jello in a fish mold. It was an interesting flavor...rose-petal water with some cinnamon mixed in.

Here was another scary-looking dish:

But it was actually quite delicious. It was a very delicate sweet roll with a dab of mashed sweet potato in the middle.

Here's Sydney trying her hand at feeding herself. She does very well at the feeding part, just not the scooping part.

Then it was back to the hotel for a nap. Here are a few shots of the Garden Hotel where we are staying:
The Lobby:

and the garden area:

Then we said goodbye to the Keegan family as they headed out for Hong Kong. They are spending the night there and will be taking a very early flight back to the States tomorrow. They have been great friends and we will miss them terribly!

Here's Sydney waking up and yawning sweet little yawns while snuggling her Mommy:

Sydney says "Thank you Jesus for my new family"

And so ends our China journey (at least this chapter of it.) Thanks for joining us and for your prayers and well-wishes. We would appreciate your continued prayers as you go to sleep tonight...we will be starting our long Friday flight home. We're leaving the hotel at 6:30 AM, flying to Hong Kong, then catching a flight to Newark. We're scheduled to arrive in New Orleans 10:30 PM Friday night, but we're trying to get re-routed to Baton Rouge, still arriving at 10:30, but much closer to home. For those of you planning on meeting us at the airport, we should know something for sure by 3 PM and will call your cell phones to let you know.


Chinese/American baby, in China, enjoying French fries

Not so sure about ketchup though

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Getting Sydney - Day 13 - London's Birthday

Another quiet day at the hotel. Today we had our consulate appointment...and we didn't even go there! Our guide just brought all our paperwork for us. Someone had to stay in the hotel room in case the consulate had a question and needed to call. So all the ladies in our group went, where, and left the men to take care of the children. Thankfully I had 2 helpers today and we had another great day (if not a little confined.)

In addition to being a very important day in the adoption process, it is also even more important because my middle child turned 9 today! While Sydney slept in a crazy position:

London and Victoria play on their friend's Gameboy

Then we all gathered together and had a birthday party for London. Sydney didn't know what to think of London tearing paper...but she liked to play with the boxes. Any bets on how long before these toys have teeth marks on them?

Then the ladies took off for a day of haggling and shopping. After Sydney's mid-morning snack she sacked out for a nice, long nap

After an hour or so we tried to wake her up...but she was sleeping too hard (see the video below), Here she is after I passed her off to Victoria

It wasn't too long before Mommy came home, having transferred weight from my wallet to her shopping bags.

Sydney loves her Mommy so much. She can't wait to walk in her footsteps:

Later in the evening our guide stopped by with a gift for London's birthday...she is very sweet and the girls just love her.

Then our friends, the Adams, stopped by with their little boy, Ethan. He has a cleft lip and palate as well. You'd think he and Sydney would have a special bond because they share the same affliction...wrong! Here's Sydney being teritorial:

Then victoria, London, and Kasity were horsing around in the hall

Sydney says "Hey...what's going on out here"

"I want to join in the fun!"

Please pray for us today...we found out today that the consulate here in Guangzhou is missing Sydney's visa that should have arrived last January. We tried to get a copy faxed to us at the hotel, but the INS lady said that it's an official government document and that they can only send it directly to the consulate, again. The officer in charge of these things in New Orleans assured us that she'd send it again today so it would be there tomorrow for our final meeting. If, for some reason, it doesn't get there today we don't come home this week. Needless to say, we're ready to come home and don't want any delay.

First (for us) sitting to standing:

Brusing sister's hair:

Too sleepy, head-loll:

Why is my face so red? Yin/Yang balancing out:

Eating off a fork:

Monday, June 27, 2005

Getting Sydney - Day 12 - Orphanage Visit

Today Ginger, Victoria, and London visited the orphanage where Sydney came from. We did not want to bring Sydney back there because sometimes the children have negative reactions. In some cases the children were given special attention and they are very glad to see their caretakers, but then there are tears and sadness again when you have to take them away again. Additionally, the Shaoguan Welfare Institute (the orphanage) is 3 hours away. So I stayed home with Sydney all day while the girls went to the orphanage.

I'll let Ginger and the girls put into words their experience...mine was not nearly as traumatic. They left around 9:30 this morning and I just played in the hotel room with my new little angel. We had a very good time together. We played with blocks and paper and bags and anything else that took her fancy. I brought a bunch of Community Coffee individual brew packs and she loves to play with those (once I take the coffee pack out of course.) However, Sydney will probably have a subliminal desire for Community Coffee when she gets older because there is still coffee oils on the inside of the pack. After she plays with them for a while her hands smell like dark roast (I hope caffeine can't be absorbed through the skin...Ginger may not be too happy with me tonight)

It rained a lot today so we couldn't go out and walk the streets much. She really likes being walked on the streets to see the sights and the people. Around 11:30 we went down for lunch. We shared a plate of Guangzhou fried rice...she really likes rice (I wonder why?) After I ordered we were sitting there talking to each other and all of a sudden she stared at me kind of funny and her face got red. Then came the grunts and I knew I was in trouble. I wasn't sure whether I should run up to the room and try to change her, or just wait for the food. We were both hungry so I just waited for the food to come out. The restaurant was just about empty, but they decided to put a Chinese family right next to me.

By this time Sydney was smelling pretty ripe. There is a saying about the Cantonese that they will eat anything on 4 legs except a table, and anything that flies except an airplane. This worked to my advantage because what they were eating at the table next to me smelled pretty strong and I don't think they noticed Sydney's diaper. We made it through lunch and went up to the room where I changed her amid much screaming and crying. She is a sweetheart though and she got quiet in a hurry. It just melts my heart when she reaches up for me. She is really comfortable now with all of us...she'll reach for us and smile when we grab her up.

She was so cute today...while she was drinking her formula in her sippy cup she was showing off for me. She'd hold it with her teeth and balance it and giggle as she looked at me to make sure I saw how skilled she is. She's also very cute with shoes. She loves to have us put on socks and shoes. She'll hold her feet up for us to put the sock on, then hold the other foot out for us to put the other sock on. Then she'll do the same for us to put her shoes on. Today she was trying on Mommy's shoes and tried to shuffle around in them. I've heard of playing dress-up...but this is starting pretty early isn't it?

After the poop-fiasco she was pretty well worn out. I walked her around and tried to get her to sleep, but she was looking at everything and wanting to get down. Thankfully the drapes are thick and when I closed them it got dark as night...immediately she lay her head on my shoulder and sacked out. All of this cuteness and Ginger had my camera!'s 10 PM and Ginger just got Sydney to sleep. She had a bad night (well...more like a bad couple of hours.) She was crying and pitching a fit at the drop of a hat...maybe something to do with Ginger and the girls being gone all day. We're not sure, but Ginger is exhausted so her account of today's travels will have to wait until tomorrow. Sorry for the delay, and for the lack of pics/vids. I should have some time on my hands tomorrow and hopefully I'll pick up the slack.

OK...I haven't had as much time today as I thought. Ginger went shopping and left me with Sydney again; at least this time she left the girls with me....more on that on the Day 13 page.

Here are some of the photos that Ginger took on her visit to the orphanage. Here are a few shots of the surrounding country side as they were driving into Shaoguan City:

As you can see it is a very green and lush area. As I mentioned before, we are about as far from the equator as Cuba so it's a very hot and humid climate here.

Along the way Ginger had to take a picture of a poor Chinaman's misfortune. The axle on his truck broke and his load was shifting precariously. He was driving very slowly because it was a very hilly and windy road. Victoria said that when they passed him, the driver was biting his nails and looking very nervous!

Here are the girls posing in front of a field at a pit stop. Notice the bamboo fence.

Here are a couple of street shots in the city of Shaoguan. It's very sad to think of it, but Sydney's birth mother might be in one of these pictures and we'd never know it. We hope and pray that her fortunes have changed for the better and that she somehow finds out that her little girl is now in loving hands.

They arrived at the orphanage just after noon. They saw why they would not have been able to go had it been raining. Ginger said they were on an extremely bumpy dirt road that looks like it had seen its share of flooding. The dirt road abruptly ended and they were met with a nice concrete drive and a very modern-looking building:

The care-takers were all very friendly and seemed to truly care for the children. But the enormity of the task of caring for so many children with 6 caretakers was hard to miss.

Thankfully one little crib is empty now...this is where Sydney spent much of the first two years of her life

The caretakers were disappointed that Ginger and the girls had not brought Sydney, but Ginger explained that it was too long of a ride for her. Ginger did bring some pictures of Sydney that we had taken of her laughing and playing with us over the past few days. They really seemed to enjoy those:

Ginger was able to give the children a few cookies and the girls were able to play with some of the kids. All the children gathered around as Ginger sorted some medicines that she brought for the orphanage.

Here's a shot of the girls standing by the little toy that was behind Sydney's referral picture.

Here's one with Sydney's caretakers (including the one that dropped her off to us last Monday) with Ginger and London

Here are a couple of sad pictures...this is the street where Sydney was found. She was found August 6th 2003 and it was determined (by her umbilical cord stub) that she was born the previous day. At least it was before winter, but it may have been raining. Who knows how long her little hoarse cries echoed up and down this street before someone found her.

After they visited the spot where Sydney was found, they did a little shopping to pick up some items that the Shaoguan area is known for. One of the things it is famous for is its tea. Here are the girls picking up some tea at a market:

Then they went to a basket store and bought some very nicely woven baskets and some other items that were woven from bamboo strips. The farmers out in the rural areas made the baskets and sold them to the shop keeper, who in turn made a profit by selling them for only $1.20 U.S. currency.

After shopping they headed home. Here are a couple of shots from the return trip:

And here's something that may look familiar to our northern friends:

On the way home they stopped off at a "truck stop" and used the "squatty potty":

Ginger said that there was about an inch of water in the above picture...they stepped softly so as to avoid splashing...yuck!

Then on the way out of the bathroom, they stopped by the convenient free-flowing water hose to rinse the muck off of their shoes! (By the way, bring your own toilet paper because they don't provide that either!)

It was very meaningful for Ginger and the girls to have the opportunity to go to Sydney's orphanage and to personally thank the workers for their care for Sydney and for all the children there. God is so amazing! He chose Sydney; protected her; and provided our home for her to live in and to learn about His love and His salvation! He had all of this worked out before He laid the foundations of the world. We feel very blessed to be a part of His plan. Only He knows what good things lay in store for Sydney. I have a feeling that the changes He has wrought in her life, through us, will have a ripple effect that will touch things eternal in the lives of many others.