Sunday, January 18, 2009

Happy New Year!

Greetings to all and Happy New Year!

The economy may not be doing so well right now, but we're trusting in the Lord that he will take care of His own. Please join us in praying for our nation and our new president, that he will have the wisdom to lead us down paths that will make America stronger and not weaker.

On the homefront we're doing very well. Our girls are growing up like little weeds (or I should say beautiful flowers) and it's quite an experience to have a couple of teen-agers in the house along with a 4 & 5 year old (help! I'm swimming in an estrogen ocean!)

The above picture is from Christmas morning 2008. We're very lucky to have such beautiful girls. As you can see, Sophie's eye is doing very well. When she gets tired or is not paying attention, her weak eye wanders around a bit, but we're very pleased with how she is progressing.

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